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Showing posts from January, 2020

Reminders for Monday

Hi everyone, Just a reminder that we need field trip forms returned as soon as possible (Monday would be great). Please ensure you've read all the material that's been sent home, and that you've completed all the relevant sections. On Thursday we sent home a media release form. It is important that this is also returned, even if you're ticking the NO box. If there are any questions, please let Ms. Hansen and I know. Have a great weekend!

Weekend Journal

Hey friends, You have a three day weekend, extra time to use for your writing prompt! Click on the link and go to the story starter. You can each choose your own unique (maybe weird) writing prompt! We will share our stories on Monday! Ms. Hansen

Weekend Journal!

Hi everyone, Here is your prompt for this weekend: Write a fantasy story about a polka-dotted ferret who hides in a tree . As always, your story should be complete, and at least one page in length! Have some fun with it :)

Room 5 and 6 Reading Challenge

Hi everyone, As discussed with students today, rooms 5 and 6 will be embarking on a home reading challenge. Through the literacy program, ‘Reading…Give it a Shot!’ , students track their reading and receive collectable Canadian Wildlife, or Calgary Flames trading cards. Students will receive one card for every two hours (120 minutes) of home reading. Each set has 24 cards, and the goal is for each student to collect all 24. The outcomes of this program include the following: Students read more than their minimum requirements and get hooked on the experience and joy of reading! Students respond to various genres/texts. Students are introduced to new vocabulary. Students take responsibility for their own learning.    As discussed today, here is the outline for our reading challenge. Students have been given a reading log. Each time they read at home students will: Record the date. Record the number of minutes they read. Have a parent initial. Keep a runnin...

Weekend Journal

For this Weekend Journal you will need to think creatively. We have used the Scholastic Story Scrambler to come up with the criteria for your story. You will need to create a non-fiction story with the following information: Your story is a MYSTERY about a STINKY KNIGHT who HATES WEARING SOCKS. Have fun with it, be descriptive, and be creative! Remember, all good stories have at least one problem that the characters have to solve. If you are feeling adventurous you can use the link below to come up with criteria for another story. This is a great way to practice writing about topics and themes that you normally wouldn't choose. This will help you become a better writer!

Field Trip Volunteers ***UPDATE***

Hi everyone, Just an add on for parents who are interested in volunteering for our February field trip. Please note that if you volunteer you DO NOT have to ice skate. WinSport provides skating instructors who will be on the ice with students. If you are interested please let me now via email as soon as possible. Thanks again!

Flip It Math Game

We played a new math game today. It practices both addition and subtraction, and encourages kids to check their work. 1. Remove K, Q, J, Joker, and 10 cards from the deck. 2. Draw 6 cards for three digit numbers. For 4 digit numbers, draw eights cards. 3. Arrange your cards for subtraction, with three on top, and three on the bottom. 4. Subtract to get your answer. 5. Flip it. Take the answer, and add it to the second number in the equation. If your math is correct, your answer should match the top number from your subtraction. Here is a student example:

Field Trip Volunteers needed

Hi everyone, Rooms 5 & 6 will be going on a field trip to The Canada Sports Hall of Fame and WinSport (for ice skating) on February 6. We are looking for parent volunteers to come along on the day. If you have a current CBE police clearance, and are available and willing to volunteer please let me know via email as soon as possible. My email is: We're hoping to get volunteers organized as soon as possible. Thank you in advance!

Weekend Journal

Your weekend journal writing task is to come up with at least five New Years Resolutions. New Years Resolutions are goals you have for yourself, or changes you would like to make for the coming year. Remember to make your goals realistic (i.e. learning how to fly is not a realistic resolution). Have a great weekend!