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Showing posts from April, 2020

Returning Taradale School Library Books

Good morning everyone, A school messenger message has gone out to families, asking for any Taradale School library books to be returned. Please  have a look around your house for any library books you might still have. There will be a library bin placed outside from 8:30am - 3:00pm every week day for students to return books. Get outside for a walk and return any library books you have! Big thank you from the staff at Taradale!  Have a great Thursday!

Google Meet on Friday May 1

Good morning room 5 and 6 friends! We will be having another Google Meet this Friday (May 1) from 1:45-2:15. To join the Google Meet, log in to Google Classroom and at 1:45 click on the Class code located under the banner where it says, either Taradale School Room 5 or Taradale School Room 6. A couple of this to keep in mind: 1. Please Mute your mic when you enter the room. This will help keep the room from being too chaotic and noisy. When it's your turn to talk, you can unmute your mic. 2. If your mic isn't working for some reason, you can use the chat function to type out what you need to say. It was great seeing some of you yesterday and getting the opportunity to have a chat. We hope to see you on Friday! Mr. Stride, Mr. Row and Mr. Duncan

Google Meet Reminder

Hi everyone, Just a reminder about our scheduled Google Meets for today. We hope to see you there! We have scheduled Google Meet sessions for tomorrow from 1:45 to 2:15. There will be two Google Meet sessions: Room 5 with Mr. Duncan Room 6 with Ms. Stride Here are some things you need to know: In order to join the Google Meet, you will need to log into Google Classroom. Click on the link located under where it says Taradale School Room 5 or Taradale School Room 6. The link will be available at 1:40pm tomorrow. You will not be able to enter the chat room until your teacher has entered. When you enter the chat room, please make sure your mic is muted and your camera is on.

Google Meet on Tuesday April 28, 1:45 to 2:15

Hi everyone, We have scheduled Google Meet sessions for tomorrow from 1:45 to 2:15. There will be two Google Meet sessions: Room 5 with Mr. Duncan Room 6 with Ms. Stride Here are some things you need to know: In order to join the Google Meet, you will need to log into Google Classroom. Click on the link located under where it says Taradale School Room 5 or Taradale School Room 6. The link will be available at 1:40pm tomorrow. You will not be able to enter the chat room until your teacher has entered. When you enter the chat room, please make sure your mic is muted and your camera is on. If you're not sure of something, please let me know. Tomorrow is a test run to see if things are working and to have a quick chat. We hope to see you there! Mr. Duncan, Ms. Stride and Mr. Row
Good morning everyone! There are a few updates on at home learning for this week. At Home Learning Package April 27 to May 1 The at home learning package for April 27 to May 1 is now available on the Taradale School website. It can be accessed here: Students can access at home learning either through the PDF link, or using their CBE Google account, they can use the Google Slide link. Both of these options are available via the link above. At home learning has also been posted on the Room 5 and 6 Google Classroom pages. Google Classroom Starting this week, we will begin trying to use the Google Classroom platform. I will be posting a daily read aloud video (The One and Only Ivan), setting up weekly Google Meet sessions, and working to have students use Google Classroom to submit any work they do at home. If you have not accepted the ...

Happy Friday!

Good morning room 5/6 family! Another week is winding down, and the sun is shining. Thank you again to students and families for connecting with me this week. Please keep asking questions if you are unsure of anything, and I will do my best to answer questions and clarify for you. On Monday the week's at home learning will be available. I am also hoping to begin using the Google Classroom platform and Google Meet platforms. Next week will be a chance for us to slowly explore both platforms together. I will have further information for families on Monday. Finally, I'd like to wish our Muslim friends Ramadan Mubarak. Being kind and taking care of those who are vulnerable in our community is something that we can all do, especially during these strange times. Enjoy the time with your families, and stay safe. Have a great weekend, everyone!

Google Classroom

Hi room 5 and 6 families, This is a reminder that it's important for all students to accept their invitation to our Google Classroom. Invitations were sent to every student's CBE Google email address ( We will be trying to use Google Classroom next week, and we are in the process of organizing Google Meet sessions for classroom discussions. Again, the Google Classroom invitations were sent to student email addresses. Please accept the invitation. If you did not receive an invitation, please let me know and I can resend it. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks again, Mr. Duncan

Earth Day

Good morning everyone, Today is Earth Day. The theme for Earth Day this year is fighting climate change, through changing our diets. You can read about it here: In room 5/6 we've spent a fair bit of time discussing climate change, and what that means for the Earth and for us. We've learned about different, simple ways that we can make a positive difference. Can you remember some of the things we can do on a daily basis to help the Earth? Talk to your families about it!

Google Classroom

Hi everyone, Taradale School teachers are working to set up Google Classrooms. Google Classroom is a platform that will allow us to interact with students, post learning tasks, and a space where students will be able to turn in their work to teachers for feedback. Google Classrooms for room 5 and 6 have been set up, and invitations have been sent to all students. Students need to accept that invitation in order to gain access to the Google Classroom. Invitations were sent to each student' email address ending in . If you have not received an invitation, or you cannot find it, please let me know. I am hoping to start using Google Classroom with students next week. From there we can start to organize Google Meet sessions for classroom/group discussions. Google Meet is a group video chat function. For now, I'm asking students to accept the Google Classroom invitation. If you can do that this week, then we should be in a position to start using Google Classroom n...

At Home Learning for April 20-24

Good morning everyone, I hope you've all had a safe and happy weekend! The warmer weather has definitely got me feeling better. At home learning for April 20-24 is now life on the Taradale School website. It can be accessed here: Thank you to everyone who made contact last week and to students who forwarded me their work. Just a reminder that students should try to engage in this work for approximately an hour each day. How you schedule that hour is up to your family. Please do what works best for you. Again, if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know and I'll do my best to get back to you quickly. Have a great week, everyone!

Happy Friday!

Good morning everyone, As our first week of at home learning comes to an end, I want to thank everyone (students and parents) for their patience and they're willingness to connect. These are very unusual times, but they're made much more manageable by having a supportive classroom and school community. Next weeks at home learning package will be available on Monday morning. I will post links on the blog and on the Google Classroom pages. If you have any trouble accessing it, please let me know. Students, please remember to check your email and if you haven't already, accept the invitation to join Google Classroom. I know some students have been interacting on it already, and in the coming weeks I hope to make it a big part of our at home learning. Again if you have any questions, please email me. Students, if you just want to chat, please email me. While I'm working from home, the best part of my days have been connecting with students. Have a safe and happy w...

Checking In

Good morning everyone, It's been great connecting with many of you over email this week. Students, if you haven't already, please check your CBE email and reply to the email I sent you just checking in. We are in the process of setting up Google Classrooms. All room 5 and 6 students should have received a Google Class invitation through their CBE email. Please accept that invitation so that we can move towards using Google Classroom as a communication tool. Once again, please email me with any questions or concerns you might have. Happy Thursday!

Student Email Access

Good morning everyone, A handful of parents have been asking about student email access. CBE student email is run through the Google (Gmail) platform. Students log in to their CBE email the same way that someone would log into their GMail. Room 5 and 6 students have been using their CBE accounts all year to email and to prepare Docs and Slides presentations, so everyone should have a good idea of how to log in. On April 5 I emailed all families with their child's account information (CBE ID, CBE email, and password). If you did not get that email or you're having problems logging in, please let me know. I encourage students to check their email on a regular basis. I have been sending students emails, and all students should have an invitation to join our Google Class. They will need to accept this invitation in order to participate in our Google Class and Google Meet sessions in the coming weeks. Again, if you have any questions please email me. Students, email me a...


Good morning everyone, I hope you all had a great Monday, and were able to access this weeks at home learning package. I've had a few questions from some families, so I'm going to provide some of those answers for everyone to see. How can my child send their work to you? This week we're not asking students to submit any work. However, if you would like to submit your work, I'm happy to have a look at it! Right now the two easiest ways would be to take a photo and  email it to me; or two share your work with me using Google Docs (students know how to do this). Teachers are working on setting up the Google Class platform. When this is up and running, students will be able to submit their work using that tool. What time does class start? There is no "class" right now. The at home learning package is for you to work through when you and your family have time. We really want you to work on it at a time that works for your family, because right now all fami...

At home learning - April 13 to 17

Good morning everyone, At 8:00am parents should be receiving a School Messenger email with information about this week's at home learning. If you're ready to, you can use the link below to access this week's learning tasks. Work is organized by grade grouping, so click on the grade 3/4 link. You can use the Google Slides link, or the PDF link on the right hand side (either one should work for our classes). I cannot stress how important it is to read instructions carefully. Again, if you have any questions, please email me and I will provide support. The sun is out, it's supposed to warm up this week...things are looking up, everyone!

Ongoing Learning - week of April 13-17

Hi Room 5 and 6 students and families, Thank you again for your patience and understanding as we spent last week contacting families and preparing learning tasks for students. At this stage we have been in contact either by email or phone with almost all of our room 5 and 6 families. If you are one of the families who has not been in contact with either Ms. Stride or myself, please check for the email I sent out last Sunday, April 5. If you can respond to that email, answering the questions relating to access to internet and technology at home, we would appreciate it. Grade 3/4 teachers have prepared an ongoing learning package that will be available on the Taradale School website tomorrow morning. Your family will receive an email via School Messenger with a link to the weeks learning tasks. I will also post a link on our blog to the ongoing learning package tomorrow morning. Before beginning the learning tasks it is important for students and families to read through the inform...

Connecting with families via phone or email

Hi everyone, It's been great connecting with families either over the phone or through email. At this stage Ms. Stride and I have contacted all families. There are still a handful of families who we have not been able to make contact with. If you are one of those families, please check your email (parent email). Every family was emailed on Sunday April 5, by me. If you haven't been in contact with either myself or Ms. Stride, please respond to that email as soon as possible. I want to thank everyone for their patience during this time. Taradale School teachers and staff are working to connect with families, while also planning for ongoing learning. As mentioned in emails and phone calls, our hope is to have ongoing learning ready to send home for Monday April 13. We will be in touch with families as soon as we have more information. Again, if you have not been in contact with either myself, or Ms. Stride by phone or email, please let me know. I can be reached at: klduncan...

Teacher Contact Information

Hi room 5 and 6 families, Hopefully you have received the email that was send yesterday afternoon. Please have a look at it and reply if you have a few minutes. Ms. Stride and Mr. Row will begin calling room 6 families this morning. For your reference, their email addresses are: Mr. Row - Ms. Stride - Mr. Duncan - Again, if you receive a call from a blocked or unknown number, please answer. If you have any other questions or concerns, please email myself, Mr. Row, or Ms. Stride. Thanks everyone.

Important Information for All Families - PLEASE READ

Hi Room 5 and 6 families, Welcome back to the last three months of our 2019/2020 school year. I know this has been a strange, unsettling time for everyone. I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. The CBE and Taradale School have been working to determine the best way to support students and families, and things are changing constantly. This week (April 6-9), teachers will be contacting families via phone and email. Phone calls will begin the morning of Monday April 6. Please be aware that teachers will be calling from their own telephones, so most likely your caller ID will show ‘Unknown Caller’, or ‘No Caller ID’. Please, answer your phone so that we can speed this process up as much as possible. Please be aware that Ms. Hansen’s leave of absence will continue until May 7. Ms. Stride, Mr. Row, Mrs. Abraham, and myself will be contacting room 6 families. Today I will be emailing all families with your child’s CBE ID, CBE email, and password. Students, please no...