We sent a yellow parent letter and itinerary home today about our October 9 trip to the Shepherd Landfill. Students also have a white Acknowledgement of Risk form - please sign and return the white form as soon as possible!
The field trip is $7.00 - you can send exact cash, a cheque, or pay in the school office. For more information about cost, please see the yellow letter.
We are in need of parent volunteers. In order to volunteer, you must already have your police security clearance. Please let Ms. Hansen or Mr. Duncan know if you are available to join us!
Tomorrow is Terry Fox Run. Please bring any donations you can. Our school goal is $1600. Thanks so much!
We are seeing a big change in Calgary's weather. Please ensure you are keeping up to date on weather forecasts, and that students are coming to school dressed to go outside.
The field trip is $7.00 - you can send exact cash, a cheque, or pay in the school office. For more information about cost, please see the yellow letter.
We are in need of parent volunteers. In order to volunteer, you must already have your police security clearance. Please let Ms. Hansen or Mr. Duncan know if you are available to join us!
Tomorrow is Terry Fox Run. Please bring any donations you can. Our school goal is $1600. Thanks so much!
We are seeing a big change in Calgary's weather. Please ensure you are keeping up to date on weather forecasts, and that students are coming to school dressed to go outside.